Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Published 04:07:00 by with 0 comment

Create drawing guide (Grids)

Create drawing guide. Grids

Create a grid that will be visible in the background of frame (further it would not appear) and that it will serve us as guide to draw objects precisely and exactly
Exercise step by step.
1 Click on the menu File.
2 Select the option New.
3 The new movie will appear. If you want to create the grid on a movie that is already started, do not take the first 2 steps.
4 Select the option Grid of the menu View.
5 A submenu like the one from the figure will open.
6 Select the option Show Grid to make it visible.

7 Select the option Edit Grid to adjust the dimensions of grid like you wish (size, background color...)
8 Select the option Snapping→ Snap to Grid of menu View to snap the objects to the gid lines.


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