Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Published 02:45:00 by with 0 comment

My first animation (Test)

Only one answer is valid for question. Click on the answer that you consider to be correct.
Answer all the questions and click on the button Correct to see the solution.
If you press Restore you can repeat the evaluation.
1. Making an animation in Flash is a long but mechanized process.
a) True.

b) False.

2. An animation in Flash requires from the author to represent all its stages, if the animation consists in throwing a ball up to the 20 cm, the author has to represent this ball in all its possible positions (approximately 200 ones).
a) True.

b) False.

3. Making an animation with Flash requires only indicating to Flash the limiting states of the animation; the limiting state corresponds to a change in the movement (when the ball stops going up and starts going down or vice versa in our example).
a) True.

b) False.

4. Once drawn the frames wanted to be a part of the animation, it is necessary to indicate explicitly to Flash that the above frames form one animation, as far as Flash is not capable to know this a priori.
a) True.

b) False.


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